Cancellation Policy

If you do not come in for your scheduled visit or, if you cancel your appointment for any reason with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged the full cost of the session. Insurance does not reimburse the client for these broken appointments.


Dr. Kardong requires payment in full at the time of each visit. She will provide you with a monthly statement (HCFA) for tax or insurance purposes. You may submit HCFA to your insurance company for reimbursement directly to you. You are responsible for all charges irrespective of insurance payments you may receive that are less than her full charges. Cash, checks, credit cards and Square are accepted for payment.

Other Charges

Dr. Kardong may charge for phone calls and paperwork requested that require more than 10 minutes of her time, billed in 10-minute increments of her hourly fee. Examples include letters, forms, and consultation with other providers and treatment programs.

Unpaid Balances

Clients who have balances which are unpaid in the prescribed time will be subject to interest of 1.5% per month. Dr. Kardong reserves the right to collect money owed via collections agencies, small claims court or any other means allowed by law. Non-payment for services provided by Dr. Kardong constitutes grounds for termination of treatment.

By entering your name below, you have read and understood the Payment Policies described above and agree to all terms.