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Proxy Form


Requestor’s (Proxy) Information:
Please note the following age range limitations for MyChart. These age range limitations do not affect any legal right you have to access the patient’s record by other means. To request a paper copy of the patient’s record, contact Heath Information Management at 612-873-3180.
  • If minor patient is between the ages of 0-11, parents/legal guardians will be granted full access to the minor patient’s MyChart record.
  • If minor patient is between the ages of 12-17, proxy will be granted partial access to the minor patient’s MyChart record if minor consent to partial access on page 2 of this document. (e.g. appointment scheduling, immunizations).
  • If minor patient is between the ages 12-17, proxy will be granted full access if minor patient consents with signature on page 2 of this document.
  • Once the patient reaches 18 years of age, proxy will no longer have access to the patient’s MyChart record unless the patient consents to access.
  • Adult to Adult or Diminished Capacity, proxy will be granted full access to the patient’s MyChart record.
Patient’s Information

MyChart Terms and Agreement
  • I know that MyChart is a secure online place for confidential medical information. If I share my MyChart ID and password with another person, that person may be able to look at my health information, my child’s health information, and health information about someone who has given permission for me as a MyChart proxy.
  • I agree that it is my responsibility to select a strong password and to not share my password with other individuals, and to change my password if I think someone might know it.
  • I know that MyChart contains some medical information from a patient’s medical record and that MyChart does not contain the complete contents of the medical record. I also understand that a paper copy of a patient’s medical record may be requested from Hennepin Healthcare, Health Information Management by completing a Release of Information Request.
  • I know that my activities within MyChart may be tracked by computer audit and that entries I make may become part of the medical record.
  • I know that access to MyChart is provided by Hennepin Healthcare as something helpful for its patients and that Hennepin Healthcare has the right to turn off access to MyChart at any time for any reason.
  • By signing below, I state that I have read this MyChart Proxy Form and agree to its terms.
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Signature of Proxy


TEEN ACCESS ONLY: For minor patients between 12-17 years old, please sign below to grant your proxy PARTIAL MyChart access: I hereby understand that with my signature I am granting the proxy indicated above access to limited information which includes scheduling appointments, viewing immunizations and billing information.

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FULL ACCESS ADULTS AND MINORS 12-17: To grant your proxy FULL MyChart access.
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Signature of Patient