01. Tell Us About Your Child


Child's DOB


Child's Home Address

Home Phone?

Last Visit Date
02. Parent 1 Information


Are you the Insurance Subscriber?

03. Parent 2 Information


Are you the Insurance Subscriber?

04. Dental / Orthodontic Insurance

Is there secondary insurance?


05. What are the main concerns that you would like orthodontics to accomplish?

Floss his/her teeth daily?

Child's Physician Phone

06. Has your child ever had any of the following medical problems?



07. Does/did your child have any of the following habits?


I understand that the information that I have given is correct to the best of my knowledge, that it will be held in the strictest of confidence and it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes in my child's medical status.

I authorize the dental staff to perform the necessary dental services my child may need.

Signature of Parent or Guardian

Patient Signature 
Today's Date: