Telepsychiatry Consent

Is the patient under the age of 18?

Telepsychiatry is a form of telemedicine that allows patients to access psychiatric care using an audio-video interface. BMC utilizes, which is a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platform.

Benefits of Telemedicine:

Improved access to psychiatric care by enabling a patient to remain in his/her home or office.

More efficient psychiatric evaluation and management.

Maintaining treatment schedule despite logistical obstacles.

Possible Risks of Telemedicine:

As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks associated with the use of telepsychiatry. These risks include, but may not be limited to:

-In rare cases, information transmitted may be poor resolution, which may make the video portion of the visit of lesser quality

-In very rare instances, security protocols could fail, causing a breach of privacy of personal medical information.

By signing this form, I understand the following:

Billing of Telehealth Services:

I understand that if possible, BMC will bill my telehealth visits to my insurance company. I understand that I am responsible for any applicable deductible, co-insurance or co-pays, or for the cost of the session if it is not covered by my insurance. I also understand that the BMC Payment Policy also applies to telehealth services.

Patient Consent To The Use of Telepsychiatry

I have read and understand the information provided above regarding telepsychiatry, have discussed any questions with BMC staff (if necessary), and all of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I hereby give my informed consent for the use of telepsychiatry for my care at the Behavioral Medical Center – Troy.

Patient or Parent/Guardian Signature